In the summer of 2012 Simon Beer started out on a journey on foot. From his hometown of Zurich to Meymac in central France he hiked 930 kilometers in twenty-five days. He followed a selfmade ritual: every day ended with an encounter with a member of the ministry, either a nun or a brother.
Every encounter lasted from thirty minutes to one hour. Every discussion ended with a potograph, with a background selected by his discussion partner. After taking his photograph Simon Beer asked for some kind of message (blessing). It summarized the content of the discussion and became the motto for the next leg of the journey. When he was finished he get the God's blessing.
The encounters were not easy. Along his self-defiend "piligrimage" some of the clerics expressed doubt the seriousness of his religious intentions, but he experienced a special form of grace through their roles as mediators. In the course of time the difficult march became a kind of personal pilgrimage, a kind of therapy with a new "therapist" every day. Day by day the situation became easier as something unconditional and absolut.
12th day - Nantua | 441km
Sicut granum sinapis. [Mk 4,31]
He is like a grain of mustard seed
Pastor Pierre Le Bourgois
19th day - La Chaise Dieu | 710km
Societatem habe nobiscum [1 Joh 1,3]
Havefellowship with us
Brother Jean Théophane
22th day - Blesle | 813km
Ab animo ad animam ab humana ad superna
From the human adventure to the spirutal adventure
Pastor Paul Rouchon
23th day - Marcenat | 851km
Illum oportet crescere, me autem minui [Joh 3,30]
He must become grater; I must become less
Pastor Raymond Rakotondramana |